Experimenting Big Data technologies and super-calculation for enterprise, creating models that can simulate, through Digital Twins, manufacturing or management processes of infrastructures, permitting preventive maintenance, process optimization and production increase. That is the target of the IoTwins Project, funded in the ambit of Horizon 2020 (European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation) and shared by 23 partners coming from 8 European Countries.
It is a synergistic action that has involved, besides the head company Bonfiglioli (top player that on a world scale designs, manufactures and distributes a complete range of gearmotors, electric motors, planetary gearmotors and inverters), also the University of Bologna, which is guiding the scientific coordination, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Cineca, which stand out for their role in calculation infrastructures, Emilia-Romagna Region with Art-ER (the regional company that supports innovation, attractiveness and internationalization of the territorial system, for the development and the diffusion of the project’s results on a regional, national and European scale).
“The Innovation 4.0 Award” has acknowledged the competence of Bonfiglioli due to its IoTwins project, started in 2019, which has faced crucial themes like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things applied to manufacturing and infrastructures.
The Industrial Scientific Committee of A&T has chosen eight finalists among the 51 selected admitted projects.
The two winner companies, in an excellent level ex aequo, were Bonfiglioli Riduttori and Italian Rollwasch. On an equal footing, then, the IoTwins project by Bonfiglioli, with Big Data that become a modelling and forecast tool accessible to SME, too, and VibroBLAST, a patent for a revolutionary vibro-blasting technology.
In the picture: Fausto Carboni, CEO Business Bonfiglioli