The protagonists of a decennial strategic partnership are Polaris and Zero Motorcycles that together foresee the development of off-road vehicles and snowmobiles. The intention of Polaris is proposing within 2025 vehicles with electric motor inside each of its main segments, with the first debut forecast by the end of 2021.
It is a revolutionary partnership that avails itself of two talented work teams, oriented to widen notably the offer of electric vehicles in the world of motor sports.
“Due to the progresses in results, price strategy and performances in recent years, and customers’ ever-rising interest –Scott Wine, president and CEO of Polaris, declared – it is now the time for us, thanks also to the collaboration with Zero Motorcycles strategic partner, to implement our rEV’d up programme and incisively accelerate our ranking in the electrification sector in motor sports.
The choice fell on Zero Motorcycles because it plays a pioneer role in electrification, with advanced technologies and notable know-how.
“Zero Motorcycles – stated Sam Paschel, CEO of the company – is pleased and honoured to give birth to this strategic collaboration that will change the sector, while we are collaborating and developing the vehicle technologies and platforms that will enhance the electrification future in motor sports.