DiaPro 4.0, the study for motors’ sensors
Recently, at the scientific-technological pole of University of Ferrara, they have held the conclusive presentation event about the research activity results of DiaPro 4.0 project.
The target consisted in developing an innovative multi-sensor system for...
Vitesco focuses more on Asia-Pacific region
Vitesco Technologies has inaugurated its new research and development center in Tianjin, China. From there, the company, a top player supplier of advanced powertrain technologies and e-mobility solutions, will increasingly serve the Asia-Pacific region...
Ambitious electric motor goal from USA
QM Power and the SPARK Lab at University of Kentucky shared the combined results of a large-scale, multi-objective design optimization study, and lab testing of a prototype motor designed to meet the ambitious 2025...
Regal’s edge product tools
Regal Beloit Corporation, specialized in the engineering and manufacturing of high-efficiency electric motors and power transmission products, has recently announced its enhanced Power Transmission Solutions (PTS) Edge tools. Regal'sEdge tools include product selection modules...
Motor in the wheel? Here is the proposal by Hitachi
In the past, various companies have already tried developing disruptive zero-emission motors, for instance with motors hidden in the wheel. This frontier has not technically found its benefit, yet, especially owing to the weight...
A new research centre on electric motors
Due to the funds coming from the RRNP and from structural funds, Turin Polytechnics will collaborate with the Municipality of Pianezza in the creation of a Research Centre for the design of electric motors....
University of Perugia: the study on the efficiency of electric cars is starting
One of the hottest issues concerning the electric mobility is the motor efficiency. Concerning this, a study involves the University of Perugia, in the context of a graduation course in industrial engineering. The research...
Sustainable mobility: the excellence Italian National Pole was born
Last July 16th was presented the project of the National Pole of Sustainable Mobility and Manufacturing, also called SMTC, Sustainable Mobility Technology Center, which will be established in TNE spaces of Corso Settembrini 178...
Measuring the efficiency of induction motors: what is the actual scenario?
The EU Regulation requires the measurement of efficiency for induction motors, as the surveillance task demanded to the different EU countries. Toward this goal, induction motors' manufacturers and surveillance authorities should consider various issues...
Ford project that studies the electric motors of the future
In Germany, Ford with other partners has created a consortium to develop next-generation electric motors, to study new production processes.
The research project is called HaPiPro 2 and its target is developing new base products...